What has really been going on around here

We’ve really been staying close to home lately. Really, I don’t want to do anything. I can’t clean the house, I can’t focus, I can’t remember what day it is.

Photobucket Taken June 30th.

Yes, we are expecting a new baby. Original due date is February 27th, today’s ultrasound dated the baby at 8w4d. So our new due date will be March 8th, 2013. Baby will be delivered in between sometime, date to be determined towards the end.


Strong heartbeat today at 174bpm. If you follow the “old wives tales” this baby is another girl.


We will not be finding out the sex of this little one as it will most likely be our last. Much to Zia’s disappointment, there is not two babies in there like she really wanted. One for her and one for Sonyea. Much to my excitement, there’s only one baby in there. I’ve been having dreams for about a month now of triplets!! So scary since they were twin girls and a boy. Those were some exhausting dreams!! I’ve figured out the reasoning behind it though. When I was pregnant with Zia, I had dreams of twins all the time. This go around, it’s triplets. I never had any dreams when I was pregnant before the miscarriage.

The girls are so very excited for this baby and really are bugging us as to when they can hold him/her. Both are pulling for a girl!

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