Oh Frack!

Ok, here’s the deal.  There’s a political fight going on around here about gas drilling.  At first I was all about the money and wished we had land, blah blah blah.  I think I appreciate nice clean water and a quiet landscape (HEAR THAT NEIGHBORS!!!) more than money.  Yea, I said it.  I am against the Frack!


I’m not against gas in general but really taking my drinking water and the water my girls like to bathe in and spit out the front door and jamming it into the ground to break things up down there isn’t the way to go.


I enjoy having nice parks to take my girls to. I enjoy breathing air that isn’t toxic. Therefore, I don’t want the government and other private citizens to get rich off of ruining the Southern Tier.


I want my wildlife to have babies and want those babies to have babies etc so *MY* babies can see them and not just behind glass at the zoo.


Today, I signed petitions. Tomorrow, letters to political leaders.


Today, my girls turned into dirty footed hippies. They practiced for Grass Roots in July.  I had to work all day, but Jimmy loaded up the car and dropped me off and headed to Rec Park in Binghamton for some time with his Mom and the girls.


There was lots of snacks, clean water, running around, dancing, playing on the playground and hula hooping!


It’s what you do when waiting for Irish music and the Sim Redmond Band. This girl is going to be a pro at hula hooping before you know it!  She’s practicing hard!  (and the jump rope too!)


The dance tent from the Grass Roots Festival was brought to Rec Park today to fight against Fracking.  It was called Binghamton Big Splash presented by the Finger Lakes Clean Waters Initiative.  There were pro-frackers there too.  Boo!


They got there early and by the time I got there their feet were filthy and they each had a rosy tint to their skin. They both smelled like the sweet mixture of sunscreen and sweat.


There was even a few minutes to chat with an old friend.


The Grady Girls started and ordered everyone to dance.


Don’t know who they were, but I sure enjoyed their dancing.

These little gems, hammed it right up!


I especially love that last one. Sitting there at the edge of the stage, not caring that people were watching them. Not a care in the world!

While hanging out in the dance tent, the girls made a few new friends while running around the dance floor and Jimmy found some old friends.


Scythian, we love you and can’t wait to see you again!

I really have no idea what this t-shirt was about but thought it an amazing title and took the liberty of adding my name to it.


Since Google is my friend, here’s the explanation on the T-Shirt!  Love it!


I’m loving this picture because there’s a lot of people here who I really like. There’s a lot more missing and it would have capped the day off better if everyone was here. But we had a great visit with Keith and Jacob the last few days too. (that post will be up in a few days)


Look at that face, how can you say “yes” to gas drilling and damaging the Earth even more than we already have?


Please STOP Hydro-Fracking so my girls have a decent place to live.
*stop sign added because of the pro-drilling sign behind them.

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