I’m a big girl now

There are a lot of rites of passage for little kids, rolling over, crawling, walking, talking, using the potty, etc. All just as important as the next in making our babies toddlers and then pre-schoolers (is there really no in between from toddler to pre-school? Is she still considered a toddler?). Zia’s latest passage into the pre-school age is graduating from the crib to a big girl bed.

Last night was the first time sleeping in her toddler bed. She’s my little laid back princess. Sure she has her drama moments but not nearly as many as Sonyea used to. She’s the “go with the flow” kinda girl, deals with Sonyea’s drama better than I do. I hope she continues on that path because Sonyea can be over powering and forceful sometimes.

My girls have been rock stars with transitions. I’m one lucky momma to not have to deal with the “usual” problems of sleeping, using the potty or separation anxiety. (except for a few bumps in the road when teeth were coming in)

We are starting the next chapter in her life and we know what the subject is since we’ve been through this before but we’ll let the characters play out some first. Let her enjoy her successes from the last chapter before jumping into the next.


After I took this picture last night, I bent down to give her a kiss. I couldn’t do that in the crib and it felt good to feel her warmth on my lips after a shift at work. Get a whiff of her scent since I didn’t get it at bedtime. I’m one lucky Momma to be able to work a few shifts a week and still have my girls go to bed as if I didn’t miss a beat.

This little peanut of mine rolled over after I covered her back up and said “Mommy, I have big gloves.” Snuggled back into her pillow and drifted back to sleep. Oh I would love to be able to see her dreams, how she views the world and what she thinks of our life together. So far I don’t think there’s any complaints and I know they will come. She’ll realize we can’t get everything she wants even though I will be sure to give her everything she needs. Some of those needs will be wants and she won’t understand priorities but for now we’ll enjoy the ride.

*and now, a word from the subject.

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*and that sums it up.

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